Thursday, 30 July 2015

Heights Laser Centre

If you are looking for the right place to help you to look and feel your best: Heights Laser Centre is the answer.  Dr.  Jaffers and his staff are open and knowledgable about all the skin care services that they provide.  They will help you choose the best options for you.  When you walk in the door they make you feel immediatly welcome, and you quickly feel as though you are part of the family.
They offer such a wide variety of services including but not limited to:safe and medical grade skin care treatments including laser hair removal, microdermabrasion, coolsculpting and so much more.
Love, Love, Love Dr. Jaffers and all of his staff at the Heights Laser Centre. Dr. Jaffers is very open in answering any question you have and makes sure you are choosing the best option for you. His staff, especially Lorea and Anna (who I see the most) are amazing, knowlegeable and always make you feel at home. I can't say enought good things about their team and the services they provide.
Check out their website at

Thursday, 23 July 2015

Clothes, clothes and even more clothes!!! Part 1 - The Closet!

Yes, folks it is time to look at your clothes closet!!  If you cannot hang new clothes in the closet, if you cannot close your closet door, or even worse, if you are putting some of your clothes in the spare room closet...It is time to downsize and organize your clothes!!!

Now here is where I would like you to start. EMPTY ALL OF THE CLOTHES OUT OF YOUR CLOSET/ CLOSETS AND PUT THEM ON YOUR BED!  Now take a few minutes and enjoy them!!!..ah yes...look at all those clothes.  OK, are you ready.

deeclutter.caOrganize them into piles: dress pants, jeans, casual tops, dress tops, casual dresses, and formal dresses, etc.  OMG, can you believe how many of each type of clothes you have!

Now, pick one of those piles and start asking yourself some questions:  does it fit and when is the last time it fit?  If it doesn't fit and you have not been able to fit in it for a year - put it on the floor (this is a new pile we are starting). If it fits-when is the last time you wore it?  If you have not worn it in a year - put it in the pile on the floor.  Is it raggedy, faded, have holes,etc? - add to the pile on the floor. Is it from the 1970's through the 1990's?  Or is it just plain old ugly? You guessed it - add to the growing floor pile.  Do that for each of the piles on your bed.

Now hopefully you have smaller separated piles of clothes on your bed and a fairly large pile on the floor!  Now it is time to rehang the piles from your bed into your closet and keep them hanging together within their new categories.  You should have all dress pants together, jeans together and so on.  This makes it much easier to find what you are looking for.

I'm sure you are now looking at the pile of clothes on the floor...Well, I am going to allow you to pick 3 items from that pile that you absolutely believe you cannot live without.  As for the rest of those clothes here are the wonderful things you can do with them:

  • Donate to a shelter or transition home
  • Take to a consignment store and see if they can sell for you.
  • Donate to a charity such as Dress for Success (they give 1-2 outfits to women so they can look great for job interviews)
  • The clothes that are faded, tattered or just plain ugly...throw out!
Now take another deep breath...and look at your newly organized and downsized closet.  Yes, that's right...It's time to go shopping!!!  Lol just kidding.  If you take the time to do this about every 6 months to once a year, you should find it much easier to keep a handle on how your closet looks and how many clothes you actually need.

Monday, 13 July 2015

Is your Collection/Hobby out of Control?!!

deeclutter.caHobbies and collecting can be a lot of fun.  People collect all kinds of things: stamps (ok, I sounded mega old when I said that!  You see there used to be this thing called mailing a letter and you had to put a stamp on it.), records (OMG, I just did it back in the day there used to be these turntables that played records in order to hear music through a stereo), books (um, I just realized that this is a very hard blog to before the internet people used to READ and we had these things called BOOKS that had WORDS in them).  Maybe I should rethink this!!!

Whatever your collection/hobby is; you need to think about how much space you have/need for the items.

If your collection is starting to creep into all different areas of your home, maybe its time to think about why you started to collect the items in the first place and what it is you get from your collection.  A good example is VHS tapes.  I have worked with quite a few seniors who have very large VHS movie collections and yet, they no longer own a VCR!  However, when I would discuss with them why they were holding on to their collections, inevitably the response was, "Well I spent a lot of money on them and I can always sell them".

You need to keep up with the valuation of your collection, if that is why you started to collect a particular item.  Things go out of favour, become obsolete, and are just taking up space in your home.  If on the other hand you started collecting an item just because you really like them - think about where you can display it without it taking over the entire house.  Unfortunately, the fact is none of us is going to live forever, and while you may really enjoy your collection of 500 Cabbage Patch kids, doesn't mean anyone in your family wants to deal with it when your gone.

Collecting can be fun and you can get real enjoyment from discovering a new piece to add to your collection, but think about limiting your collection to a certain space within your house so it is not intruding on your being able to comfortably enjoy your home as well.

Sunday, 5 July 2015

DEE CLUTTER - Hmmm. I have no where to put this!!!

deeclutter.caLast week I discussed in order to keep your home clutter free - EVERYTHING NEEDS A HOME.
But what to do if you find an item and it has no home, there is no where to put this item away in your house, there is no room for this item with other things, it just isn't fitting, your finding yourself shoving it in a closet because you don't know what else to do with it!


I don't care what the item is...the previous questions need to be answered and if the answer is NO - GET RID OF IT!!! Donate the item to charity, give it to family, sell it or if need be...throw it out!

Here are some examples that everyone should be able to relate to:

1.  Baby clothes - if your child or children is walking- why oh why do you have baby clothes in your house??
2.  Paperwork - old bills, old warranties, old bank statements, etc...if these are out of date, been paid, you have reviewed them...guess what, YOU DON"T NEED THEM!! they are simply taking up space in your home.
3. Ugly knick knacks/gifts - everyone has these.  they are items that Aunt Mary gave you, items that you don't even like but for some reason they are decorating your home...Give them away for someone else to deal with!!!  Why oh why would you want them in your home.
4. Think about many pens, pencils, scissors, elastics, take-out menus, little broken items that you don't even know what they are and tacks do you need in the junk drawer!!!!  CLEAR OUT THE JUNK DRAWER!!!!!

You all know that each one of you has items in your home that you don't use, you don't like, and you don't need...Take a deep breathe and GET THEM OUT OF YOUR HOME!!!