Friday, 23 October 2015

Cleaning Schedule

I've been very lazy about blogging lately but this morning I saw something on Facebook that triggered me to write.  A gentleman shared his cleaning schedule with the world and the big debate now is whether or not it is too excessive...I vote No!! I love it.  What a great way to make sure your home is always in order!!!  You may not want to follow his schedule exactly but what a great Template:

The idea of course being that you have your daily upkeep of your home that takes care of  areas in your home that get dirty or cluttered daily.  Then of course you have your weekly chores and by breaking them up to a different one every day instead of picking 1 day a week to do these makes it easier to do and to stay on top of.  Now the Monthly I would look at your own home and see if there are items that should be done at least once a month but instead are being ignored...and doing one of the yearly chores once a month is brilliant.  It would keep you from having to do the Spring and Fall cleaning.

As I said earlier, you want to adapt the idea behind this list to your own home.  Giving yourself a schedule should help you maintain your home...However, if you feel that this is too excessive you can always call me to come Organize, Downsize, or Dee-CLUTTER your home...:)

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