Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Arg!!! I don't know where to start!!!

One of the biggest complaints I hear from clients is...But I don't know where to start.  They walk into the room, look at their closet or open the garage door...and it hits them.  There is a lot of work ahead to downsize and or organize the space.

So what I tell them is this:  Stop looking at all of it!!!  Pick a small corner.  Narrow your focus.  Tell yourself that the rest of it doesn't matter...your only thing you should be concerned with is one small piece of the area.

The reason I say this is because when most people start even thinking of clearing up a space in their home, they immediatly get overwhelmed by even just the thought.  I would too.  Narrowing your focus is going to help you stay on task.  It is hard to learn but you can do it.  You need to constantly remind yourself that the only thing you are going to do is the one small space you are looking at.

If you can do this it makes the whole job seem much easier.  Once you get through that small amount of items, pick another small area to clear.  You don't have to do it all at once.  Your home, closet, or room did not get cluttered in one why stress yourself out by thinking that it all needs to get cleared out at once.

Practising narrowing your focus makes the job much less daunting and you will soon find yourself able to get through the task and start seeing the organization and space that you want.

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