Monday, 3 August 2015

The Hidden Storage Wonder in your Home

One of the most underutilized storage spaces in peoples homes is: UNDER THE BEDS!!

Now when I say Under the Bed...I do not mean like when you were a child and kicked everything from your floor to under your bed, before your Mom came in to check on how your room cleaning was going!

I am talking about getting yourself some flat totes that are readily available at your local department store.  These do not have to be expensive, that is up to you.  I am also not saying just shove everything into these totes and hide them under the bed!  I am refering to utilizing the space in a way that makes sense to help organize the bedrooms in your home.
  • Children's Rooms - use for putting away seasonal clothes, storing craft projects, storing their keepsakes, art supplies, etc.  Check how many totes can be stored under their beds and use seperate totes for different items.
  • Teen Rooms - put away seasonal clothes, store keepsakes, sporting equipment and uniforms, hobbie supplies, etc.
  • Your Bedroom - photo albums, seasonal clothes, keepsakes from your life, keepsakes from your childrens lives, linens, etc.
This is such an easy way to free up floor space, closet space, drawer space and so you and your children can have clutter free bedrooms and it also makes for easy cleanup!!

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